OK...here is a quick update of the past couple of weeks.
First the level the land!

Then they came out and staked off the footprint, so now we can stand in our house :-), which looks small, but I think everyone says that when there are no walls. I think Shomari is freaking out because it looks so small...
I knew that they would come back and bring more machinery! This time they brought a digger thing (that's what I call it)!

Next day....
The portion of the footing that was dug today is the at the back of the house, and I hope that tomorrow they will dig out the rest of the footing completing the footprint! Creating a two foot trench that we could hide in, in the case an attack from the neighbors broke out, hehehehe, just kidding, the attack would more than likely come from the Ninjas hiding in the trees. OK...can't you tell it is late and that I am tired....(I am sure Tracie and Kii can tell....we always got goofy late at night)

Check back soon for an update.